my son, James, was there with his family.
Tiago and Tiffany looked so adorable and were so excited
to be there. They ended up being the only grandkids there,
so it was extra special to have them.
hard to get everything looking just right.
Thank you, Thank You, one and ALL !!!!!
Doesn't everything look nice!!!!
- but my hair wasn't finished yet!
Bert and Carma Garner.
I really appreciate everything she did for me and for my wedding!
My hair has never looked so elegant before!!!
And so finally, everything and everyone was ready!
I knew exactly how I wanted it to look,
but I couldn't do it by myself.
My sister Ellen, had never done such a thing before,
but with a few tips from my cousin, Ellen,
she did a Fabulous job!!!!

And so finally, everything and everyone was ready!
My Dad and Mike's brother, Dan, were the witnesses.
It's Official Now!!!!
Bishop Crouch, who married us, is off to the side.
We were (and ARE) Very Happy !!!!
We had a little party afterwards to celebrate.

We had a little party afterwards to celebrate.
It was homemade carrot cake, very yummy, and yes, I made it.

Doesn't it look good!!!!
Doesn't it look good!!!!
(We were both very nice to each other!)
They both have such gorgeous voices!!!!
Mike with his brother, Dan.
Derrick, Ellen, Karen and Micheal.
There was visiting . . . .
eating . . . . .
I'm in an Ellen Sandwich!!!
Both of them have been such a huge help and support to me.
I am so lucky to have them in my life!
Dan was the only one from Mike's family who was able
to attend the wedding,
due to some last minute emergencies,
so we really appreciated them being there for Mike!
I believe a good time was had by all.
She came all the way from Phoenix to be there.
We were so happy to have her share this special day with us.
We were so happy to have her share this special day with us.
She knew us both when we were teenagers!
We had a lot of very good dancers in attendance!
Ellen and Derrick in a lovely dip!
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