This was taken on Easter Sunday, April 23, 2008. It is my youngest son, Scott, who is 21. Doesn't he look cute!!!!??? Laurie took this picture after I put the ears on him. They looked so nice with his tie!!!
Scott is my third son and youngest child. He is 5 years younger than Lisa, his closest sibling. He was a bit of a surprise baby, I had had 5 miscarriages and figured I'd been through enough but he had other ideas. He has kept us all young. He was the joy of our lives and his siblings all adored him so much that they used to come home from school and fight over who got to hold him, or play with him. There were times when he was the only one in the family that EVERYBODY liked !!!!!! He has always had a charismatic personality. He is also my most athletic and most competitive child. And considering his siblings - that's saying an awful lot in both cases.
Scott has just returned from a 2 year Mission for our Church. He served in Richmond, Virginia.
He loved his Mission, worked very hard and had a wonderful time. He matured and grew a lot over the last 2 years and I am so incredibly proud of him. We are all so excited to have him back home again. He is my baby, although I never dare to call him that!
He played football, basketball and ran track, was a hurdler. He was born making growling sounds (Barry made car sounds), and like his brother Barry, he loves music and sang in the school choir. He has a flair for showmanship and didn't mind dressing up in a coconut bra and grass skirt, or in a woman's dress, to put the show on! He's really been fun to watch grow up.
It's so hard to believe they all grew up so quickly. During those long, sleepless nights, with a screaming baby, (or 2 or 3 or 4) it seemed like they would never sleep through the night, or be out of diapers, but then suddenly, before you know it, they're all grown up, moved out and on their own, and they don't need you any more. They each have their own distinct personalities from birth and are each so completely unique and wonderful.
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